AMR in the Contra Costa County Community
AMR CoCo County provides emergency and non-emergency medical transport service for the Contra Costa County, Calif., area. AMR CoCo County employs approximately 350 paramedics and EMTs and handles on average 70,000 calls annually.
AMR CoCo County is CAAS accredited. With a sophisticated electronic pre-hospital care reporting data system, AMR CoCo County utilizes health care information to quickly respond to call volume demand and follow clinical trends in public education and continuing education. The operation, along with its partners in allied agencies, also develops creative prevention initiatives.
The operation offers prevention and training programs including fall prevention, drowning prevention and rescue, CPR training, earthquake awareness, early stroke recognition and helmet safety. If you are interested in training, contact the operation for more information.
Contact AMR
2400 Bisso Lane, Ste. AConcord, California 94520